Advanced Search
Built on the latest AI technologies
Advanced Search
Get an advanced search functionality built on the latest AI technologies with the integrated search engine in GoPublic. GoPublic Search leverages artificial intelligence to ensure that the search not only matches the exact words the user is looking for but actually tries to understand and find the content the user is seeking. In other words, GoPublic Search understands the semantics of what is written. This means that a word with the same or a related meaning to the one the user searches for is highly weighted. For example, if someone searches for “shoes,” “boots” will be highly weighted, and similarly, words like “pants” will be more relevant than “house.”
The search page on the website has several settings that can be adjusted for the best possible experience: you can choose whether to index and display the content of PDFs, allow users to select exact search, prioritise selected search results, and much more. The search feature also includes built-in analytics, which is a valuable tool for maintaining the search function.
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